Friday, September 23, 2011

The Armageddon Chord - Jeremy Wagner

Ok, this is not 100% fresh but... I don’t wanna write something right now but this blog needs some content... so, here is the review from this book, by Jeremy Wagner, who is having a great success with this debut novel.

My review in

Here you have a book that will catch you until the end. It is a mix of "The Dumas Club" and "Dethtroll" episode from Metalocalypse.
I must say that this is not one of those deep and complex novels, with sudden changes or surprises. In fact, the heavy metal references or how the "ancient song" is decoded are not really detailed. But, if you are looking for something just to enjoy and have a nice time in a musical context, The Armageddon Chord is a really good option, even if english is your second language. Official Site:

BTW, this guy, Jeremy Wagner is a cool dude, he answers in Twitter and stuff xD and I find reading in Kindle (Mac) even better that paperback.

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